@mastersthesis{Wattenberg2024, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Wattenberg, Fabio}, title = {Analysis of Climate Change Adaptive Capacity among Landowners in Mara Siana in Kenya and Identification of appropriate Measures}, doi = {10.57683/EPUB-2629}, institution = {Fakult{\"a}t 12 / Institut f{\"u}r Technologie und Ressourcenmanagement in den Tropen und Subtropen}, school = {Hochschulbibliothek der Technischen Hochschule K{\"o}ln}, year = {2024}, abstract = {Due to the global phenomenon of climate change the region of Mara Siana is projected to increasingly face extreme weather events that particularly comprise prolonged droughts and heavier rainfalls. To be able to adequately adapt to these changing circumstances and maintain their livelihoods communities need to build respective capacities. As the main objective, this research aims at determining landowners' climate change adaptative capacity (CCAC) across different villages in Mara Siana. Accordingly, a semi-quantitative approach was carried out including qualitative interviews and the subsequent quantitative calculation of CCAC based on a multidimensional indicator set and a respective coding system. In addition to predominantly positive results of socio-cultural characteristics and the quality of natural resources, this work reveals clear weaknesses and potential for improvement in the areas of income security and financial stability, the expansion and resilience of infrastructure, and the relationship between communities and local authorities. Moreover, differences in capacity results are not only identified between the investigated villages as well as between individual households but also systemic disadvantage in capacity building affecting female landowners and community members can be indicated from the obtained interview data. Therefore, this research gives concrete recommendations for the implementation and verification of suitable adaptive measures that are particularly tailored for the improvement of low-performance indicators while following a gendertransformative approach and thus hold the potential to increase CCAC in the long-term.}, subject = {Klima{\"a}nderung}, language = {en} }