@article{AvramenkoShevchukDmitrenkoetal.2022, author = {Avramenko, Andriy A. and Shevchuk, Igor V. and Dmitrenko, Nataliia P. and Skitsko, Ivan F.}, title = {Shock Waves in Gas Flows with Nanoparticles}, journal = {Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry}, volume = {147}, number = {22}, issn = {1388-6150}, doi = {10.1007/s10973-022-11483-5}, institution = {Fakult{\"a}t 10 / Institut Allgemeiner Maschinenbau}, pages = {12709 -- 12719}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The paper focuses on the analytical analysis of the propagation of a normal shock wave in an adiabatic gas flow with nanoparticles. A modified Rankine-Hugoniot model was used for this purpose. A solution is obtained for the Rankine-Hugoniot conditions in a gas flow with different nanoparticle concentrations, which makes it possible to analyze the dynamics of variation of the parameters of this type of flow under a shock wave. The variation of velocity, pressure and entropy production of the adiabatic gas flow during a direct shock wave depending on the concentration of nanoparticles in the gas was depicted graphically. It was revealed that increasing the nanoparticle concentration to φ ~ 0.1 weakens the effect of the shock wave, and then, after passing the zone of minimum parameters, the intensity of the shock wave increases.}, subject = {Temperatur}, language = {en} }