@techreport{HeuchemerKleimeierSander2012, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Heuchemer, Sylvia and Kleimeier, Stefanie and Sander, Harald}, title = {The geography of European cross-border banking : the impact of cultural and political factors}, institution = {Fakult{\"a}t 04 / Schmalenbach Institut f{\"u}r Wirtschaftswissenschaften}, series = {GLOBUS working paper}, number = {2009,2}, year = {2012}, abstract = {We investigate the determinants of European banking market integration with a focus on the potentially limiting role of cultural and political factors. Employing a unique data set of European cross-border loans and deposits, the study uses various gravity models that are augmented by societal proxies. While trade-theoretic reasoning can explain part of the surge in cross-border banking, we demonstrate that distance and borders still matter in the geography of European cross-border banking. Moreover, we can identify cultural differences and different legal family origin as important barriers to integration.}, subject = {Bank}, language = {en} }