@mastersthesis{Guar{\´i}n Cifuentes2018, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Guar{\´i}n Cifuentes, Diego Alexander}, title = {Potential of Using Morphological and Functional Traits of Woody Species as Indicators of Dry Conditions in the Transition Zone of the Atlantic Forest (Mata Atl{\^a}ntica) in the Rio De Janeiro State, Brazil}, institution = {Fakult{\"a}t 12 / Institut f{\"u}r Technologie und Ressourcenmanagement in den Tropen und Subtropen}, school = {Hochschulbibliothek der Technischen Hochschule K{\"o}ln}, pages = {165}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Plants have certain characteristics which allow them to respond to various environmental conditions, like changes in climate, water loss in the soil, lack of minerals; among others. In some of these so-called traits, the responses to climatic phenomena such as drought can be evidenced through morphological adaptations (spines, succulent tissues, trichomes, among others) or physiological adaptations (regulation of water potential at the cellular level, the concentration of nutrients, etc.) In certain areas of Brazil such as the Mata Atl{\^a}ntica biome, drought events are increasingly occurring and affecting human activities and the environment, and it is required to understand if tree species with traits adapted to dry conditions are occurring in drought-prone areas. For this reason, it is intended to find out the potential of using morphological functional traits of woody species as indicators of dry conditions in the transition zone of the Atlantic Forest. RJ Brazil. Therefore, this work was carried out considering a field phase in a drought-prone area known as "Mata de Tabuleiros" or Semideciduous Seasonal Lowland Forest that belongs to the domain of the Mata Atl{\^a}ntica, there were selected morphological traits in order to know which of them can give a hint as drought tolerant traits. On the other side, there was searched in the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden JABOT database for species with recorded characteristics related to drought adaptations. For the traits in the field, and the selected species from the database was elaborated a Species Distribution Model SDM in order to know how some climatic variables allow the distribution of species and morphological traits. As main result there was elaborated a set of trait indicators that can be considered for further analysis in the region; and also the results of the SDM obtained at large scale for the Mata Atl{\^a}ntica for the species selected from the database, and the SDM for the traits analyzed in the field in the Mata de Tabuleiros. Besides that, the consultations with experts in the subject were an important input that allowed to carry out this research. The use of morphological and functional traits is important to understand the interactions between organisms and their environment, in this case, to cope and tolerate a climate phenomenon like drought. Keywords: Mata de Tabuleiros, Drought tolerance, Morphological traits, Species Distribution Modeling}, language = {en} }