@inproceedings{Dirks2021, author = {Dirks, J{\"o}rg}, title = {Cyber risks in reinsurance - Insurable on a parametric basis or through AI?}, organization = {TH Koeln}, doi = {10.57683/EPUB-2115}, institution = {Fakult{\"a}t 04 / Institut f{\"u}r Versicherungswesen}, series = {Publikationen der K{\"o}lner Forschungsstelle R{\"u}ckversicherung}, number = {12/2020}, pages = {14}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Today, IT infrastructure represents the central nervous system of every company. Many of the activities of our daily lives are handled via the Internet. There is a lack of an adequately sustainable awareness of the cyber risks to which companies are exposed due to advanced digital networking. This is partly due to the fact that the danger of so-called 'cyber attacks' is only partially palpable to many, with attacks going unnoticed in some cases. As a result of major incidents, such as WannaCry and Petya in 2017, or Emotet in 2019, awareness of these risks should be keen, and yet vulnerability remains high due to the often insufficient protections against cyber crime.}, subject = {K{\"o}lner Forschungsstelle R{\"u}ckversicherung}, language = {en} }