Document Type
- Working Paper (4)
- Article (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (5)
- Bank (2)
- Integration (2)
- Ausbildung (1)
- Banking Market Integration (1)
- Banking market integration (1)
- Cross-border deposits (1)
- Cross-border loans (1)
- Culture (1)
- Darlehen (1)
- Depositen (1)
We examine the impact of the existence on an explicit deposit insurance (DI) scheme and its design features on bilateral cross‐border deposits (CBD) in a gravity model setting. We find that both the absolute quality of a country's DI and its relative quality vis‐à‐vis other countries' DI generally affect depositor behavior. However, during systemic banking crises, cross‐border depositors primarily seek countries with the best DI schemes. Similarly, during the 2008–2009 great financial crisis, the emergency actions taken by the governments, which supply and maintain these safe havens, have led to substantial relocations of CBD. (JEL F34, G18)
This paper investigates the state, development and drivers of banking market integration in the member countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) by employing interest rate data. We first conduct a principal component analysis and find evidence for both increasing monetary integration and banking integration in loan and deposit markets. These integration processes are not developing uniformly and we can identify a convergence club. As banking market integration can be a genuine process or simply be driven by monetary integration, we also investigate the interest rate pass through from national and South African Central bank interest rates onto national retail rates. With respect to the convergence club we find both, genuine and monetary-integration driven processes though the latter dominate. We conclude that a selective expansion of the Common Monetary Area is possible but needs to be complement by efficient financial development policies.
Wir wollen in diesem Aufsatz die Internationalisierungsimperative für die Hochschulausbildung und hier insbesondere die Managementausbildung reflektieren, die sich für uns aus der empirischen Analyse der gegenwärtigen weltwirtschaftlichen Integrationsprozesse und deren Folgen ergeben, und somit etwas zur Diskussion um das "Warum" und "Wie" der Internationalisierung der Managementausbildung beitragen. Diese Überlegungen sollen dann mit den praktischen Erfahrungen aus einem internationalen Studiengang abgeglichen werden; namentlich dem Master-Studiengang "Internationales Management und Interkulturelle Kommunikation" (kurz: GlobalMBA).
On 25 May 2011, the OECD launched a "Green Growth Strategy" and proposed a "Green Growth Diagnostics" approach to identify the binding constraints on green growth. This paper discusses the potential use and usefulness of this approach as a means to identify those binding constraints. It is argued that the approach is best used at the meso level for industries and certain environmental challenges. The paper proposes a modified green growth diagnostics approach for eco-innovations at the meso level that can be useful for informing and organising a rational policy dialogue amongst all stakeholders.
The geography of European cross-border banking : the impact of cultural and political factors
We investigate the determinants of European banking market integration with a focus on the potentially limiting role of cultural and political factors. Employing a unique data set of European cross-border loans and deposits, the study uses various gravity models that are augmented by societal proxies. While trade-theoretic reasoning can explain part of the surge in cross-border banking, we demonstrate that distance and borders still matter in the geography of European cross-border banking. Moreover, we can identify cultural differences and different legal family origin as important barriers to integration.