Document Type
- Article (4)
- English (4)
Has Fulltext
- yes (4)
- Detonation (2)
- Heat Release (2)
- Analytical Solution (1)
- Boiling (1)
- Darcy–Brinkman–Forchheimer Approximation (1)
- Fluid flow (1)
- Freie Konvektion (1)
- Geschwindigkeitsverteilung (1)
- Heat transfer (1)
- Magnetic Field (1)
An Analytical Investigation of Natural Convection of a Van Der Waals Gas over a Vertical Plate
The study focused on a theoretical study of natural convection in a van der Waals gasnear a vertical plate. A novel simplified form of the van der Waals equation derived in the studyenabled analytical modeling of fluid flow and heat transfer. Analytical solutions were obtained forthe velocity and temperature profiles, as well as the Nusselt numbers. It was revealed that nonlineareffects considered by the van der Waals equation of state contribute to acceleration or decelerationof the flow. This caused respective enhancement or deterioration of heat transfer. Results for a vander Waals gas were compared with respective computations using an ideal gas model. Limits of theapplicability of the simplified van der Waals equations were pinpointed.
The paper presents results of the modelling of heat transfer at film boiling of a liquid in a porous medium on a vertical heated wall bordering with the porous medium. Such processes are observed at cooling of high-temperature surfaces of heat pipes, microstructural radiators etc. Heating conditions at the wall were the constant wall temperature or heat flux. The outer boundary of the vapor film was in contact with moving or stationary liquid inside the porous medium. An analytical solution was obtained for the problem of fluid flow and heat transfer using the porous medium model in the Darcy–Brinkman and Darcy–Brinkman–Forchheimer approximation. It was shown that heat transfer at film boiling in a porous medium was less intensive than in the absence of a porous medium (free fluid flow) and further decreased with the decreasing permeability of the porous medium. Significant differences were observed in frames of both models: 20% for small Darcy numbers at Da < 2 for the Darcy–Brinkman model, and 80% for the Darcy–Brinkman–Forchheimer model. In the Darcy–Brinkman model, depending on the interaction conditions at the vapor–liquid interface (no mechanical interaction or stationary fluid), a sharp decrease in heat transfer was observed for the Darcy numbers lower than five. The analytical predictions of heat transfer coefficients qualitatively agreed with the data of Cheng and Verma (Int J Heat Mass Transf 24:1151–1160, 1981) though demonstrated lower values of heat transfer coefficients for the conditions of the constant wall temperature and constant wall heat flux.
Solving problems of detonation control is associated with obtaining detailed information about the gas dynamics accompanying the detonation process. This paper focuses on the dynamics of real gas flow through a plane detonation wave. The influence of real gas parameters on the Chapman–Jouguet detonation process has been studied. The process is described using the Rankine–Hugoniot system of equations. To model the thermodynamic properties of a real gas, the van der Waals equation of state is used. Equations are obtained to determine the ratio of speeds and pressures during the passage of a wave. The influence of van der Waals parameters on changes in the parameters of the detonation process was elucidated. An increase in parameter A slows down the increase in pressure in the detonation wave, and an increase in parameter B enhances it. Differences in the speed of combustion products for ideal and real gases are shown. For an ideal gas, combustion products flow from the detonation front at a critical (sonic) speed. For a van der Waals gas, the speed of combustion products may be greater than the critical one. Moreover, both factors, additional pressure (A) and additional volume (B), lead to acceleration of combustion products. Effects of heat release on the process parameters were elucidated.
The focus of this paper was Jouguet detonation in an ideal gas flow in a magnetic field. A modified Hugoniot detonation equation has been obtained, taking into account the influence of the magnetic field on the detonation process and the parameters of the detonation wave. It was shown that, under the influence of a magnetic field, combustion products move away from the detonation front at supersonic speed. As the magnetic field strength increases, the speed of the detonation products also increases. A dependence has been obtained that allows us to evaluate the influence of heat release on detonation parameters.