Document Type
- Article (2)
- English (2)
Has Fulltext
- yes (2)
- Adiabatic Gas Flow (1)
- Analytical Method (1)
- Concentration (1)
- Fluid Flow (1)
- Fluidpartikelströmung (1)
- Gitter-Boltzmann-Methode (1)
- Lattice Boltzmann Method (1)
- Nanopartticles (1)
- Normal Shock Wave (1)
- Rankine-Hugoniot Conditions (1)
The paper focuses on a study of turbulence decay in flow with streamwise gradient. For the first time, an analytical solution of this problem was obtained based on the k‐ε model of turbulence in one‐dimensional (1D) approximation, as well as on the symmetry properties of the system of differential equations. Lie group technique enabled reducing the problem to a linear differential equation. The analytical solution enabled parametric studies, which are computationally cheap in comparison to CFD based simulations. The lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) in two‐dimensional approximation (2D) was used to validate the analytical results. Large eddy simulation (LES) Smagorinsky approach was used to close the LBM model. Computations revealed that the rate of turbulence decay is significantly different for the cases of positive and negative streamwise pressure gradient. The further comparisons showed that the analytical solution underpredicts the predictions by the numerical methodology, which can be attributed to the simplified problem statement used to derive the closed‐form analytical solution. Comparisons of calculations with experiments revealed that the theoretical models used in the study underpredict the measurements for flows with a positive pressure gradient. Hence it can be concluded that the LBM technique combined with the LES Smagorinsky model requires the further modification.
The paper focuses on the analytical analysis of the propagation of a normal shock wave in an adiabatic gas flow with nanoparticles. A modified Rankine–Hugoniot model was used for this purpose. A solution is obtained for the Rankine–Hugoniot conditions in a gas flow with different nanoparticle concentrations, which makes it possible to analyze the dynamics of variation of the parameters of this type of flow under a shock wave. The variation of velocity, pressure and entropy production of the adiabatic gas flow during a direct shock wave depending on the concentration of nanoparticles in the gas was depicted graphically. It was revealed that increasing the nanoparticle concentration to φ ~ 0.1 weakens the effect of the shock wave, and then, after passing the zone of minimum parameters, the intensity of the shock wave increases.