Document Type
- Working Paper (3)
Has Fulltext
- yes (3)
- Agile organisation (1)
- Agile workforce (1)
- Arbeitseinstellung (1)
- Deregulation of employment (1)
- Digitalisierung (1)
- Employer attractiveness (1)
- Entrepreneurship (1)
- Flexible work organisation (1)
- Foundation (1)
- Führung (1)
The purpose of this article is to analyze the specific success factors of start-ups and to examine their phase dependency. Based on a literature study, 13 start-up-specific success factors from three categories (founders, situational occurrence, strategy) are identified and examined for their influence and phase dependency. For this purpose, 54 employees of successful german start-ups are asked how strongly they assess the influence of the respective success factor and in which phase (pre-foundation, foundation, growth) it has the strongest effect. The results show that the hypotheses derived from the theory are confirmed to a very large extent by the study.
Start-ups operate in dynamic seed stage, start-up stage and growth stage in an uncertain and volatile environment. An analysis of 59 start-ups shows that companies have special characteristics in terms of the organisational characteristics of employer attractiveness and flexible work organisation. The effects of the two organisational characteristics on an agile workforce are proven by a literature study. The study concludes with a theoretical-conceptual model that illustrates the factors influencing employer attractiveness and flexible work organisation. The results of the survey are brought together with the current state of literature and an approach to organisational agility is developed that takes deregulation tendencies into account.
Forschungsfrage: Wie wirken sich autoritäre, kooperative und laissez-faire Führungsstile auf die Pro-duktivität und Arbeitseinstellung der Mitarbeitenden im digitalen Arbeitskontext aus?
Methodik: Gestaffelte quantitative Inhaltsanalyse zur Führungsstilermittlung und zur Auswirkung in digital basierten Arbeitsbeziehungen Praktische Implikationen: Im digitalen Arbeitskontext wirkt sich der kooperative Führungsstil sowohl auf die Produktivität als auch auf die Arbeitseinstellung am stärksten positiv aus.