Fakultät 07 / Institut für Nachrichtentechnik
Year of publication
Document Type
- Master's Thesis (8)
- Article (7)
- Bachelor Thesis (6)
- Preprint (2)
- Working Paper (2)
- Study Thesis (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (26)
- XML (4)
- FPGA (3)
- Field programmable gate array (3)
- Autonomer Roboter (2)
- Dienstgüte (2)
- Mobile Telekommunikation (2)
- Multimedia (2)
- RTLIL (2)
- Rechnernetz (2)
- Smartphone (2)
High-quality rendering of spatial sound fields in real-time is becoming increasingly important with the steadily growing interest in virtual and augmented reality technologies. Typically, a spherical microphone array (SMA) is used to capture a spatial sound field. The captured sound field can be reproduced over headphones in real-time using binaural rendering, virtually placing a single listener in the sound field. Common methods for binaural rendering first spatially encode the sound field by transforming it to the spherical harmonics domain and then decode the sound field binaurally by combining it with head-related transfer functions (HRTFs). However, these rendering methods are computationally demanding, especially for high-order SMAs, and require implementing quite sophisticated real-time signal processing. This paper presents a computationally more efficient method for real-time binaural rendering of SMA signals by linear filtering. The proposed method allows representing any common rendering chain as a set of precomputed finite impulse response filters, which are then applied to the SMA signals in real-time using fast convolution to produce the binaural signals. Results of the technical evaluation show that the presented approach is equivalent to conventional rendering methods while being computationally less demanding and easier to implement using any real-time convolution system. However, the lower computational complexity goes along with lower flexibility. On the one hand, encoding and decoding are no longer decoupled, and on the other hand, sound field transformations in the SH domain can no longer be performed. Consequently, in the proposed method, a filter set must be precomputed and stored for each possible head orientation of the listener, leading to higher memory requirements than the conventional methods. As such, the approach is particularly well suited for efficient real-time binaural rendering of SMA signals in a fixed setup where usually a limited range of head orientations is sufficient, such as live concert streaming or VR teleconferencing.
We study p-adic L-functions Lp(s, 휒) for Dirichlet characters 휒. We show that Lp(s, 휒) has a Dirichlet series expansion for each regularization parameter c that is prime to p and the conductor of 휒. The expansion is proved by transforming a known formula for p-adic L-functions and by controlling the limiting behavior. A fnite number of Euler factors can be factored of in a natural manner from the p-adic Dirichlet series. We also provide an alternative proof of the expansion using p-adic measures and give an explicit formula for the values of the regularized Bernoulli distribution. The result is particularly simple for c = 2, where we obtain a Dirichlet series expansion that is similar to the complex case.
The publish or perish culture of scholarly communication results in quality and relevance to be are subordinate to quantity. Scientific events such as conferences play an important role in scholarly communication and knowledge exchange. Researchers in many fields, such as computer science, often need to search for events to publish their research results, establish connections for collaborations with other researchers and stay up to date with recent works. Researchers need to have a meta-research understanding of the quality of scientific events to publish in high-quality venues. However, there are many diverse and complex criteria to be explored for the evaluation of events. Thus, finding events with quality-related criteria becomes a time-consuming task for researchers and often results in an experience-based subjective evaluation. OpenResearch.org is a crowd-sourcing platform that provides features to explore previous and upcoming events of computer science, based on a knowledge graph. In this paper, we devise an ontology representing scientific events metadata. Furthermore, we introduce an analytical study of the evolution of Computer Science events leveraging the OpenResearch.org knowledge graph. We identify common characteristics of these events, formalize them, and combine them as a group of metrics. These metrics can be used by potential authors to identify high-quality events. On top of the improved ontology, we analyzed the metadata of renowned conferences in various computer science communities, such as VLDB, ISWC, ESWC, WIMS, and SEMANTiCS, in order to inspect their potential as event metrics.
Untersuchung der Yosys Hardwaresynthese von der internen Datenstruktur RTLIL bis zur Netzliste
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Beantwortung der Frage "Wie funktioniert Synthese?". Yosys ist ein offenes Synthesewerkzeug, welches untersucht wurde, um diese Frage zu beantworten. Yosys implementiert eine Datenstruktur RTLIL, mit der ein Entwurf in allen Synthesephasen dargestellt wird. Yosys ist modular aufgebaut, was dem Nutzer ermöglicht, das Programm zu erweitern. Die Synthese in Yosys ist auf Pässe unterteilt, die jeweils eine bestimmte Aufgabe erfüllen. Im Rahmen der Arbeit wurde die Datenstruktur und die Passes im einzelnen analysiert. Es wurde auch untersucht, wie in Yosys Erweiterungen zu implementieren sind. Die Analyse hat gezeigt, dass ein wichtiger Teil der Synthese die Umwandlung von Prozessen in eine RTL-Beschreibung darstellt. Im Rahmen der Synthese werden die, von einem Frontend vorläufig erzeugten RTL-Komponenten, umgewandelt. Der letzte Schritt der Synthese ist das Technologiemapping, welches die umgewandelten Komponente auf die verwendete Hardware anpasst.
Conventional individual head-related transfer function (HRTF) measurements are demanding in terms of measurement time and equipment. For more flexibility, free body movement (FBM) measurement systems provide an easy-to-use way to measure full-spherical HRTF datasets with less effort. However, having no fixed measurement installation implies that the HRTFs are not sampled on a predefined regular grid but rely on the individual movements of the subject. Furthermore, depending on the measurement effort, a rather small number of measurements can be expected, ranging, for example, from 50 to 150 sampling points. Spherical harmonics (SH) interpolation has been extensively studied recently as one method to obtain full-spherical datasets from such sparse measurements, but previous studies primarily focused on regular full-spherical sampling grids. For irregular grids, it remains unclear up to which spatial order meaningful SH coefficients can be calculated and how the resulting interpolation error compares to regular grids. This study investigates SH interpolation of selected irregular grids obtained from HRTF measurements with an FBM system. Intending to derive general constraints for SH interpolation of irregular grids, the study analyzes how the variation of the SH order affects the interpolation results. Moreover, the study demonstrates the importance of Tikhonov regularization for SH interpolation, which is popular for solving ill-posed numerical problems associated with such irregular grids. As a key result, the study shows that the optimal SH order that minimizes the interpolation error depends mainly on the grid and the regularization strength but is almost independent of the selected HRTF set. Based on these results, the study proposes to determine the optimal SH order by minimizing the interpolation error of a reference HRTF set sampled on the sparse and irregular FBM grid. Finally, the study verifies the proposed method for estimating the optimal SH order by comparing interpolation results of irregular and equivalent regular grids, showing that the differences are small when the SH interpolation is optimally parameterized.
Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit besteht darin, die Frage zu beantworten wie Yosys Verilog einliest und daraus RTLIL generiert. Mit der Beantwortung dieser Frage, soll die Datenstruktur RTLIL und die Verknüpfung zu einem Verilog Design besser verstanden werden. Dafür wurde das Frontend von Yosys untersucht und die Datenstruktur RTLIL näher eleuchtet. Als Ergebnis konnte festgehalten werden, dass die AstNode Datenstruktur eine wesentliche Rolle bei der Konvertierung von Verilog zu RTLIL spielt, und mit deren Hilfe beim Einlesen ein abstrakter Syntaxbaum gebildet wird. Allein der Typ des Knotens beeinflusst, wie der RTLIL Generator damit umgeht. Weiter ist die Generierung von RTLIL::Cell Objekten als erster Schritt zur Synthese zu verstehen, da sie durch Technologie Mapping reale Komponenten abbilden können
This project was done in collaboration with CERN and is part of the detector control system of the ATLAS experiment. The primary goal foresaw the development and testing of the FPGA card for the MOPS-HUB crate with the focus on radiation tolerance. This was accomplished with the approach of designing two different PCBs. The first PCB was created as a fast prototype with the use of a commercial SOM-board. This was also beneficial for confirming that the chosen FPGA is suitable for the MOPS-HUB application. After the successful assembly and test, a second, more complex and foremost radiation tolerant PCB was designed. This was achieved by solely using components of the CERN radiation database.
The second part of this thesis focuses on increasing the distance of TMR registers with a Python script. A method was created for extracting and later parsing a design’s placement
information from Vivado. Furthermore, were system designed and implemented to recognize TMR cells, to find and validate free cells and to finally create a new placement for import into Vivado. These algorithms were tested with a multitude of configurations and the quality, based on the maximum possible frequency of a design, determined.
In this paper we describe traffic sign recognition with neural networks in the frequency domain. Traffic signs exist in all countries to regulate the traffic of vehicles and pedestrians. Each country has its own set of traffic signs that are more or less similar. They consist of a set of abstract forms, symbols, numbers and letters, which are combined into different signs. Automatic traffic sign recognition is important for driver assistance systems and for autonomous driving. Traffic sign recognition is a subtype of image recognition. The traffic signs are usually recorded by a camera and must be recognized in real time, i.e. assigned to a class. We use neural networks for traffic sign recognition. The special feature of our method is that the traffic sign recognition does not take place in the spatial domain but in the frequency domain. This has advantages because it is possible to significantly reduce the number of neurons and thus the computing effort of the neural network compared to a conventional neural network.
For most classes of chains, it is known if these contain locks, but especially for fixed-angle equilateral equiangular obtuse open polygonal chains in 3D, which can be used to model protein backbones, this is unknown. Fixed-angle equilateral equiangular obtuse closed and open polygonal chains can be used to model polymers. For these, it is clear, that locks based on knots exist, but not which chains are generally locked. We therefore examine both open and closed fixed-angle equilateral equiangular obtuse chains. For this purpose, those chains are divided into various subgroups and, depending on the subgroup, other aspects are investigated to show locks. Techniques from knot theory, graph theory, and specifically robot arm reachability and motion planning are combined. Algorithms are developed to create chains in desired configurations and to study them. It is shown why all fixed-angle equilateral equiangular obtuse closed chains are expected to be locked or in rare cases rigid and non-locked, but never non-locked and non-rigid. For fixed-angle equilateral equiangular obtuse open chains it is shown why it is expected that there are open chains that are locked and that the smallest locked open chain has 𝑛=7.
A test tool for Langton's ant-based algorithms is created. Among other things, it can create test files for the NIST-Statistical-Test-Suite. The test tool is used to investigate the invertibility, ring formation and randomness of 7 created models which are extensions of Langton’s ant. The models are examined to possibly use them as pseudo-random generator (PRG) or block cipher. All models use memories which are based on tori. This property is central, because this is how rings are formed in the first place and in addition the behavior of all models at the physical boundaries of the memory is clearly defined in this way. The different models have special properties which are also investigated. These include variable color sets, discrete convolution, multidimensionality, and the use of multiple ants, which are arranged fractal hierarchically and influence each other. The extensions convolution, multidimensional scalable and multidimensional scalable fractal ant colony are presented here for the first time. It is shown that well-chosen color sets and high-dimensional tori are particularly well suited as a basis for Langton's ant based PRGs. In addition, it is shown that a block cipher can be generated on this basis.
The use of nematic liquid crystal (LC) mixtures for microwave frequency applicationspresents a fundamental drawback: many of these mixtures have not been properly characterizedat these frequencies, and researchers do not have an a priori clear idea of which behavior they canexpect. This work is focused on developing a new procedure for the extraction of the main parametersof a nematic liquid crystal: dielectric permittivity and loss tangent at 11 GHz under differentpolarization voltages; splay elastic constantK11, which allows calculation of the threshold voltage(Vth); and rotational viscosityγ11, which allows calculating the response time of any arbitrary device.These properties will be calculated by using a resonator-based method, which is implementedwith a new topology of substrate integrated transmission line. The LC molecules should be rotated(polarized) by applying an electric field in order to extract the characteristic parameters; thus,the transmission line needs to have two conductors and low electric losses in order to preserve theintegrity of the measurements. This method was applied to a well-known liquid crystal mixture(GT3-23002 from MERCK) obtaining the permittivity and loss tangent versus bias voltage curves,the splay elastic constant, and the rotational viscosity of the mixture. The results validate the viabilityof the proposed method.
Domänenspezifische Sprachen gewinnen seit einigen Jahren zunehmend an Bedeutung. Xtext ist eine sogenannte \textit{Language Workbench}, mit der solche Sprachen schnell entwickelt werden können. Neben der Sprachinfrastruktur wird eine inzwischen weit fortgeschrittene Integration in die IDE Eclipse erzeugt und es können optional ein Plug-in für IntelliJ und ein Webeditor erstellt werden. Der Ansatz ist dabei, dass der oder die Codegeneratoren direkt mit dem Abstract Syntax Tree arbeiten. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, wie ein Domänenmodell in eine Xtext-Sprache integriert werden kann und wie Test- und Wartbarkeit davon profitieren. Besondere Beachtung finden, gegeben durch das Projektumfeld, die Anforderungen durch Funktionale Sicherheit.
A level graph G = (V,E,λ) is a graph with a mapping λ : V → {1,...,k}, k ≥ 1, that partitions the vertex set V as V = V1 ∪...∪ Vk, Vj = λ-1(j), Vi ∩ Vj = ∅ for i ≠ j, such that λ(v) = λ(u) + 1 for each edge (u, v) ∈ E. Thus a level planar graph can be drawn with the vertices of every Vj, 1 ≤ j ≤ k, placed on a horizontal line, representing the level lj , and without crossings of edges, which can be drawn as straight line segments between the levels. Healy, Kuusik and Leipert gave a complete characterization of minimal forbidden subgraphs for level planar graphs (MLNP patterns) for hierarchies [4]. Minimal in terms of deleting an ar- bitrary edge leads to level planarity. A radial graph partitions the vertex set on radii, which can be pictured as concentric circles, instead of levels, lj = (j cos(α), j sin(α)), α ∈ [0,2π), mapped around a shared center, where j, 1 ≤ j ≤ k indicates the concentric circles’ radius. Comparing embeddings of radial graphs with that of level graphs we gain a further possibility to place an edge and eventually avoid edge crossings which we wish to prevent for planarity reasons. This offers a new set of minimal radial non planar subgraphs (MRNP patterns). Some of the MLNP pat- terns can be adopted as MRNP patterns while some turn out to be radial planar. But based on the radial planar MLNP patterns and the use of augmentation we can build additional MRNP patterns that did not occur in the level case. Furthermore we point out a new upper bound for the number of edges of radial planar graphs. It depends on the subgraphs in- duced between two radii. Because of the MRNP patterns these subgraphs can either consist of a forest or a cycle with several branches. Applying the bound we are able to characterize extremal radial planar graphs. Keywords: radial graphs, minimal non-planarity, extremal radial planar
For audio signals, we use the sign of the coefficients of the redundant discrete wavelet transform to generate primary hash vectors assigning bit 1 to positive or zero coefficients and bit 0 in the negative case. Discarding the highest frequency band and using a 6 step transform we get for each sample a 6 bit primary hash value which we may save as an integer. We then select a possible primary hash value (in our experiments we chose 0 or 63) and take the time indices where this primary hash value occurs as the secondary hash vector which is attributed to the whole audio signal. Comparing two audio signals, the number of elements in the intersection of the corresponding time indices are called "number of matches", a high number may indicate a similarity between the files. This secondary hash vector turns out to be robust against addition of noise, GSM-, G.726-, MP3 coding and packet loss. It may therefore be useful to detect spam telephone calls without analyzing the semantic content by the similarity of the corresponding signals. An algorithm is given to detect similar but shifted signals. Results of experiments are reported using a test corpus of 5 000 audio files of regular calls and 200 audio files of different versions of 20 original spam recordings augmented by a set of 45 files of different versions of 9 "special spam" signals.
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Definition einer allgemeinen Aufgaben-beschreibungssprache, die nicht an einen einzelnen Roboter gebunden ist, sondern für alle möglichen Arten von Robotern einsetzbar ist. Dieses Ziel soll mit Hilfe der Robotic Task Definition Language erreicht werden. Die Robotic Task Definition Language (RTDL) ist eine Sprache, die an der Fachhochschule Köln im Rahmen des Instituts-übergreifenden Projektes Verteilte Mobile Applikationen (VMA)" entwickelt wird. Die Aufgabe der RTDL besteht darin, eine allgemein gültige Aufgabenbeschreibungssprache für unterschiedlichste Roboter zu definieren. Mit einer solchen Aufgabenbeschreibungssprache ist es möglich, die Steuerungssoftware verschiedener Roboter in einer einheitlichen Sprache zu beschreiben und in einem weiteren Schritt auch umzusetzen.
The objective of this paper is to implement a baseband OFDM transceiver on FPGA hardware. The design uses 8-point SLT/ISLT (Slantlet/Inverse Slantlet) for the processing module with processing block of 8 inputs data wide. All modules are designed and implemented using VHDL programming language. Software tools used in this work includes Altera Quartus II 7.2 and ModelSim Altera 6.1g, to assist the design process and downloading process into FPGA board while Cyclone III board EP3C120F780C7 is used to realize the designed module.
This paper presents the design procedure and implementation results of a proposed software defined radio (SDR) using Altera Cyclone II family board. The implementation uses Matlab/SimulinkTM, Embedded MatlabTM blocks, and Cyclone II development and educational board. The design has first implemented in Matlab/SimulinkTM environment. It is then converted to VHDL level using Simulink HDL coder. The design is synthesized and fitted with Quartus II 9.0 Web Edition® software, and downloaded to Altera Cyclone II board. The results show that it is easy to develop and understand the implementation of SDR using programmable logic tools. The paper also presents an efficient design flow of the procedure followed to obtain VHDL netlists that can be downloaded to FPGA boards.
Die Grundlage für diese Arbeit ist das opensource Roboterkettenfahrzeug SRV1 der Firma Surveyor [www-surveyor]. Im Auslieferungszustand ist es möglich, das Fahrzeug über ein Steuerungsprogramm fernzusteuern. Dies entspricht dem Funktionsumfang eines normalen ferngesteuerten Fahrzeugs, erweitert um eine Kamera, jedoch ohne jegliche Autonomie oder Intelligenz. Da das Fahrzeug auf einem embedded Board aufgebaut ist, welches über eine WLAN Verbindung verfügt, bietet es einen guten Ausgangspunkt für Erweiterungen. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es eine Grundlage für autonome Fahrten zu schaffen. Als Betriebssystem wird uClinux, ein Linux für embedded Plattformen genutzt. Das Fahrzeug soll um einen zur Orientierung dienenden Kompass erweitert werden. Außerdem kommt ein RFID-Reader zum Einsatz, mit dessen Hilfe werden RFID-Transponder auf einer Teststrecke als künstliche Landmarken zur Positionsbestimmung genutzt. Es wird eine Software für autonome Fahrten entwickelt, die es ermöglicht, durch Verwendung der erweiterten Hardware, den Roboter eigenständig Punkte der Teststrecke anfahren zu lassen. Hierzu ist es erst notwendig alle Hardware im Betriebssystem, beispielsweise durch Treiber verfügbar zu machen.
Moderne Mobiltelefone bieten heutzutage eine Vielzahl von Funktionen, die weit über die grundlegenden Sprachdienste hinausgehen. Sie können als Terminplaner oder auch als Foto- und Videokamera genutzt werden. Die Nutzung dieser Funktionen wurde durch die steigende Leistungsfähigkeit der Geräte möglich. Mit der Entwicklung von UMTS und insbesondere den Übertragungstechniken HSDPA und HSUPA erhält das „mobile Internet" mehr und mehr Einzug auf mobilen Endgeräten. Aufgrund der hohen Leistungsfähigkeit und des Vorhandenseins der nötigen Infrastruktur können auch Videostreaming-Dienste genutzt werden. Um die Qualität einer Videoübertragung sicherzustellen, ist es notwendig, eine Software zu haben, die die Rahmenbedingung der Übertragung bestimmt und so Rückschlüsse auf die entscheidenden Parameter ermöglicht. In dieser Arbeit soll eine Software entwickelt werden, mit der es möglich ist, die Qualität einer Videoübertragung zu bewerten. Um eine möglichst hohe Qualität der Videos zu ermöglichen, müssen sie zur Übertragung effizient komprimiert werden. Einer der neuesten Standards zur Komprimierung ist H.264. Dieser Standard bietet eine durchschnittlich dreimal höhere Kompressionsrate als MPEG-2, welches beispielsweise bei der Übertragung von digitalem Fernsehen (DVB) und der Speicherung von Videodaten auf einer DVD zum Einsatz kommt. H.264 ist Teil des MPEG-4 Standards, der sich im Bereich der mobilen Endgeräte schon jetzt durchgesetzt hat. Die Struktur von H.264 wird im zweiten Kapitel dargestellt, der Transport von H.264 über verschiedene Streaming-Protokolle im dritten Kapitel dieser Arbeit. Die zur Bewertung der Qualität verwendeten Parameter werden im vierten Kapitel zusammengefasst. Die zu erstellende Software soll primär für die Android Plattform entwickelt werden. Jedoch soll bei der Entwicklung auch darauf geachtet werden, dass die Software leicht in eine andere Umgebung portierbar ist. Die Android Plattform ist ein komplettes Softwarepaket für mobile Endgeräte wie Smartphones und Netbooks. Neben einem auf Linux basierenden Betriebssystem liefert Android eine Middleware für die Entwicklung und den Betrieb der Anwendungen. Im fünften Kapitel wird der grundlegende Aufbau und die Entwicklung einer Android Anwendung beschrieben. Nach der Betrachtung der Grundlagen zur H.264-Videokompression, der verwendeten Streaming-Protokolle und der Entwicklung einer Android Anwendung folgt das sechste Kapitel, welches sich mit dem Softwareentwurf und der Implementierung beschäftigt. Der plattformunabhängige Teil der Software steht hier im Fokus, während dem plattformabhängigen Teil lediglich ein kleiner Teil des Kapitels gewidmet ist. Die Qualitätssicherung der Software wird im siebten Kapitel beschrieben. Hier erfolgt eine Betrachtung des Einflusses der Software auf die Übertragung. Ebenso werden Methoden zur Überprüfung der Korrektheit erläutert. Das achte Kapitel zeigt die Auswertung der Messerergebnisse. Im neunten Kapitel wird die entworfene Software dargestellt. Es wird die Bedienung der Software erläutert, sowie die Darstellung der Messergebnisse präsentiert.