Q Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics; Environmental and Ecological Economics
Document Type
- Part of a Book (14)
- Master's Thesis (9)
- Bachelor Thesis (2)
- Book (2)
- Other (2)
Has Fulltext
- yes (29)
- Biogas (5)
- Agricultural Farms (2)
- Assessment (2)
- Ecosystem services (2)
- Kläranlage (2)
- Lagerung (2)
- Load shifting (2)
- Self-sufficiency (2)
- Smart Meter (2)
- :metabolon (1)
- Fakultät 12 / Institut für Technologie und Ressourcenmanagement in den Tropen und Subtropen (10)
- Angewandte Naturwissenschaften (F11) (5)
- Fakultät 09 / Cologne Institute for Renewable Energy (5)
- Fakultät 10 / :metabolon Institut (5)
- Fakultät 04 / Schmalenbach Institut für Wirtschaftswissenschaften (2)
- Fakultät 10 / Institut für Automation & Industrial IT (2)
- Fakultät 09 / Institut für Bau- und Landmaschinentechnik (1)
- Fakultät 09 / Institut für Rettungsingenieurwesen und Gefahrenabwehr (1)
Die Reihe „Basiswissen zur Nachhaltigkeit“ versucht zu verschiedenen Themen der Nachhaltigkeit, z.B. Klimawandel, Abfallwirtschaft, soziale Gerechtigkeit, grundlegende Fakten zusammenzustellen. Zielsetzung ist es ein Grundwissen bereitzustellen, das zum einen als Ausgangspunkt für vertiefende Analysen dient und zudem eine faktenbasierte Grundlage für die eigene Meinungsbildung sein kann.
Der vorliegende Aufsatz behandelt die Problemfelder der Abfallwirtschaft in Deutschland und weltweit. Zunächst werden die grundlegenden Informationen zu den Begriffen Abfallwirtschaft, Abfallarten, Abfallentsorgung, Recycling u.a. zusammengetragen. Es folgt eine Darstellung der aktuellen Situtation der deutschen Abfallwirtschaft unter den Aspekten Deponieraum, Müllverbrennung, Recycling, Mikroplastik, Abfallexporte und nukleare Entsorgung. Den Abschluss bildet die Analyse von weltweiten Abfallproblematiken wie unzureichende Sammlung und Deponierung, Verschmutzung der Weltmeere mit Plastikabfall, Belastung der Ozeane durch die Folgen der Weltkriege und der Globalisierung.
Die Reihe „Basiswissen zur Nachhaltigkeit“ versucht zu verschiedenen Themen der Nachhaltigkeit, z.B. Klimawandel, Abfallproblematik, soziale Gerechtigkeit, grundlegende Fakten zusammenzustellen. Zielsetzung ist es ein Grundwissen bereitzustellen, das zum einen als Ausgangspunkt für vertiefende Analysen dient und zudem eine faktenbasierte Grundlage für die eigene Meinungsbildung sein kann. Der vorliegende Aufsatz behandelt die Messung, Ursachen und Folgen des Klimawandels sowie die nationalen und internationalen Strategien und Instrumente zur Lösung der Klimaproblematik. Zunächst werden die grundlegenden Informationen zu den Begriffen Klima, Klimawandel und Klimasysteme dargestellt. Dabei wird insbesondere die Messung und Bewertung von langfristigen Temperaturveränderungen kritisch beleuchtet. Nach einem Überblick über die natürlichen und menschengemachten Ursachen des Klimawandels werden die weltweiten Temperaturziele und daraus abgeleiteten CO2-Restbudgets dargestellt und hinsichtlich ihrer Realisierbarkeit analysiert. Der letzte Teil behandelt die Strategien und Instrumente zur Bewältigung des Klimawandels weltweit und in Deutschland.
Circular economy (CE) has received considerable interest in recent years as a strategy to resolve some of our modern urban resource challenges, and circular city models often incorporate systems of urban agriculture in their design. Much work has analyzed the benefits of urban agriculture for creating a resilient food system and as a strategy for supporting urban green space and social cohesion, however, the contributions from business models that operate within urban agriculture have not been thoroughly studied. Many urban agriculture businesses often claim high levels of resource recycling and material circularity, though whether a resource efficiency throughout the entire product lifetime (including energy and material footprint for the cultivation equipment) in comparison to current industrial strategies is truly feasible or even possible is still to be debated. This thesis builds upon work that incorporates social dimensions of CE definitions and begins to research whether the potential resource efficiency contradiction can be justified as to make urban agriculture a valid approach for circular city design. This study examined an urban mushroom farm that implements a circular business model. A qualitative summary of the business operations and resource flows were unpacked and sorted into 24 socio-economic contributions based on their interpreted relevance. The interpreted data shows that an urban agriculture business model can contribute to the building blocks of a CE through economic, ecological, social, and spatial contributions. While these contributions can contribute positively to the operationalization of CE, potential trade-offs regarding resource efficiency, use of urban space, and investment priorities need to be considered and addressed to avoid a possible watering down or greenwashing of the CE concept.
In this study the link between renewable energies and employment in Senegal is analyzed.
The Sustainable Livelihood Approach is used to understand the investigated situation in a holistic view. To successfully implement renewable energies in Senegal and to have a significant impact on the employment market, the governmental framework and the technical education has to improve, to match the needs of the labor market.
Rural communities do not have all the assets to lift themselves out of poverty and disadvantages by the usage of renewable energy. Solar irrigation, off-grid systems and solar devices impact the level of education and the labor force in rural areas in Senegal.
Moreover, access to a reliable energy source improves people’s livelihood in terms
of health, education, income and employment.
The resulting employment effect of adding 20 MW with the solar power plant Senergy 2 can be estimated with 28.686 created jobs (0,54 % of total employment).
Upcoming power projects offer employment opportunities for graduates of the master study renewable energies. Furthermore, the demand of specialized engineers and
technicians in the distribution and project planning sector will rise.
Human civilization has a great history of managing Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WaSH) services. But such services in rural areas have been neglected throughout our history. Numerous multimillion dollars WaSH interventions have been implemented in rural areas to eradicate open defecation, but most of them failed to create a demand for sanitation. Lack of equity and fair participation in approaches to change behavior and mindset, rather than habits, has made it hard for governments to achieve their WaSH related targets. Participatory rural sanitation approaches that focus on behavior change and ownership building among the community members have helped in the transition to open defecation free (ODF) societies. A justice-focused sanitation approach shows potential in fast-tracking this transition. Just transition is a concept that has not been endured in the sanitation discussion yet but shows the potential of sustainable WaSH solutions. This social empirical research has explored the feasibility of a justice-based sanitation approach guiding a transition towards societies with universal access to sanitation services. A just sanitation transition framework was adapted from the considered theoretical foundations and was used to map the capability and justice dimensions of two rural sanitation approaches being implemented in schools in the Mukuyu community in Trans-Nzoia county, Kenya. The adapted framework has been able to compute both sanitation approaches on a scoring tool, quantitatively assessing the productivity and justice dimensions of both approaches. This research has helped in establishing the viability of a just sanitation transition framework to produce an informed understanding of the potential of rural sanitation approaches to produce desired results while being just. Study findings help in filling research gaps and laying the foundation to the just transition debate in the sanitation sector and opens a window to further researches on the same, in the future.
Water risk assessment is becoming an essential part of any decision-making process in the business sector. In the world where freshwater resources are becoming scarcer, water risks are growing and causing high costs to businesses. Therefore, numerous frameworks, guidelines, methodologies, tools, and other approaches were developed during the last century. Various scholars have appeared to give an economic value or price for environment goods in order to understand trade-offs better. Nowadays, the corporate world tends to use different approaches to convert sustainability management data to the financial language of decision-makers. This study explores the possible ways for a company to measure the costs of water related risks. It examines how to convert water risks to financial risks using a Peruvian agricultural company. The results show, that from all today’s available frameworks, guidelines or tools there is no one commonly accepted and recognised as the best for water risk assessment and monetising. It was learned, that available tools could provide just a simple overview of possible water related risks and calculate their costs in a very general way. The work also highlights the importance of regular and appropriate data collection on the company level in order to be able to assess water risk related costs for the business.
Water is an eminently important element for societal development. It must be available in sufficient quantity and quality to meet human requirements of consumption, food production and sanitation. The riverine ecosystems are increasingly deteriorated due to human interventions. This leads to changes in the natural flow patterns. The concept of environmental flow started to emerge. Due to the importance of environmental flow in the integrated river basin management, researchers and scientists worldwide have made great efforts towards assessing the environmental flow requirements in river ecosystems. Various tools and techniques were defined. Governmental authorities and water ministries (all over the world including Egypt) have introduced regulations and policies to assure the vitality of environmental flow in river management and water allocation too.
Although different methods are available for the environmental flow assessment, those techniques are not practically applied. Implementing the environmental flow in real world is a challenge, due to the lack of political will and the stakeholder support, the institutional barriers and conflicts of interest, and finally the insufficient resources and capacity in environmental management institutions. It is a multidisciplinary and intersectoral process.
The present study aims to report the importance of environmental flow regarding the inhabitants’ daily life as well as the overall Egyptian socio-economic, political and health status. It demonstrates the methods of applying the Environmental flow concept in Egypt with a focus on social and political aspects, detailing the current situation in Egypt, and clarifying the obstacles that face the implementation process. The data was collected via local people questionnaires, stakeholders’ interviews and field visits. The study proposes solutions to evade the environmental flow implementation obstacles and overcome current challenges. Moreover, the study predicts future issues and offers solutions to avoid their occurrence.
Carbon Sequestration under different land uses and soils in the State of Quintana Roo, Mexico
Rising in global temperature is evidently related to atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) concentrations; this has become an environmental problem. The use of renewable energy, the development of eco-friendly merchandise and the enforcement of biomass management have been proposed to mitigate the issue. In the ecosphere, the pedosphere stores 1,500 to 2,500 PgC, which is four times more than the carbon stored in biomass; hence, it is very important to carry out soil carbon studies because of more long-term stability of such storage. In the study, soil carbon quantification was applied to the entire state of Quintana Roo, using a purpose oriented sampling, to observe the dynamic between land uses and soils, relating all relevant characteristics and properties of the landscape. To study the carbon content stored in soils, total carbon was estimated through loss-on-ignition, organic carbon by Walkley-Black method and inorganic carbon by calcium carbonate determination. The result portrays that the coastal dune vegetation-Arenosol (1,256 Mg C ha-1) is the combination with the highest soil carbon density, while Leptosol is the soil type with the highest storage capacity (852 MtC). Consequently, the soil carbon storage not only relates to soil properties but also associates with the surface area occupied by the specific soil type. In addition, the characteristics of the landscape play an important role in the storage of soil carbon. Due to that, soil carbon storage can be explained by biogeomorphoedaphic factors.
The present thesis research was focused on the assessment of hydrological drought in the Tempisque-Bebedero catchment system in Costa Rica as part of the TropiSeca project framework. The study area is in the province of Guanacaste and has an extension of 5449.94 Km2, the region is characterized by a defined wet and dry season resulting in a marked seasonality in precipitation and streamflow regime which provokes frequent periods of water deficits considered as drought.
The main objective of this research is to conduct an analysis on hydrological drought in the study area through the understanding of the behavior of hydrological cycle and its implications for the rice sector by applying different drought indices such as Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and Streamflow Drought Index (SDI). From the values obtained in the calculation of drought indices were studied the temporal distribution and spatial distribution based on the characterization of drought periods in terms of frequency, severity, duration, and seasonality.
For the characterization of meteorological drought in the study area an approach based on area average precipitation was implemented to calculate a regional representative SPI for each sub-basin, in contrast, hydrological drought was assessed using only two streamflow gauges data provided by the ICE from 1973 until 2003.
As result, Tempisque showed longer drought periods in comparison with Bebedero whose mean duration was lower but the number of drought events were more frequent. In terms of spatial distribution, it could be found that the upper basin experienced extreme meteorological drought periods at high time scales tied to a severe streamflow deficit probably justified by its low permeability due to geological characteristics that allow a slow movement of groundwater.
Additionally, one of the aims of this thesis was to analyze the existence of correlation between precipitation and streamflow anomalies with rice yield and, to determine the influence of ENSO in climate variability using Sea Surface Temperature indices; in this phase of the research was found that climate patterns in the catchment system exhibited a significant influence by ENSO events with a significance level of 99% (r > 0.7) showing an important dependence of meteorological drought periods presented during the period 1980-2016.
In terms of temporal behavior of rice yield anomalies was revealed moderate correlation coefficients (r < 0.4) in both watersheds due to in most of the cases the response of water deficit did not have significant impact in terms of magnitude as expected; in some periods in which drought period was present categorized as mild-drought, rice yield had a considerable decreasing compared with those in which was categorized as extreme event; these differences can be justified mostly because crop yield depends not only on weather, but also on variety of seed used and its coping capacity to periods of water scarcity, fertilizers, soil moisture, farming techniques, sowing date, temperature, irrigation, use of pesticides etc.
The results of this thesis can be used to motivate future researches in the elaboration of crop models to predict yields based on physiological processes during plant development considering water requirement to take enough measures to mitigate the effects of drought periods. Furthermore, it should be considered to implement a drought monitor system in the area as an important tool of early warning system and as an indicator for the efficient water resources management.
Jordan is deemed as one of the least water-endowed regions in the world. The acute water shortage, accompanied with changing climatic conditions have necessitated the increasing use of treated wastewater (TWW), predominantly in irrigated agriculture sector. This is especially true with the upper Zarqa River. The ample supply of TWW resources can be found there; paradoxically, the practical implementation of TWW reuse is hindered by the enforcement of irrigation water quality standard, compounding pressure on the dwindling groundwater resources. In light of the large potential source of TWW, this study aims to supply knowledge on maximizing the safe reuse of TWW while minimizing the environmental impacts within the local environment of the upper Zarqa River. A SWOT analysis was conducted to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of TWW reuse for agriculture in the local context. In recognition of the projected growth in the treated effluent to more than 135 MCM in the coming ten years, and how it would affect the water use on the study region, several plausible development scenarios were proposed based on expected developments on the ground. Considering the vital role of TWW in sustaining multiple ecosystem services, this study addresses the need to review current standard, encourages managed aquifer recharge with TWW, recommends crops type modification, and enhances knowledge on suitable practices at farm level. Each of these factors is needed in order to deliver a range of ecosystem services to sustain the local rural communities and to advance them in the face of profound challenges, thereby leading to its stability and increased productivity.
In Sierra Leone, at the moment 10 out of the total 14 districts are faced with the problem of large-scale land investments for industrial agriculture (oil palm, sugarcane…). The production is mainly for the local, regional and world market. There are quite many of these investments in the planning stage, while some are extending their operations by taking more land from communities or are already at the production stage. Studies and media reports have claimed a number of negative impacts felt in communities hosting these companies, ranging from loss of land, food insecurity, increase in poverty to loss of livelihoods, environmental degradation as well as social and cultural problems. The goal of this thesis is to examine the impacts of the operations of “Socfin Agriculture Company” on food security of local communities in Malen Chiefdom, Pujehun District of Sierra Leone.
Both quantitative and qualitative research methods are used for data collection, analyses, and interpretation of results. The research uses household income and expenditure to compare household food security before and after the start of the company’s operations. It examines consequences of community’s loss of land to support household food production versus casual wage earn from employment created by the company to meet household food security.
The results show a loss of household’s income sources and a significant decrease in households’ income. Households’ food crop production has reduced accompanied by a complete loss of cash crop farming. Households affected by the operations of the company have lost access to land and other natural resources that support food production. Furthermore, the company employs very few people in comparison to the total population of affected communities. Calculation of total wage earn from employment by the company cannot meet the staple food (rice) needs of the households. Also, households claimed a host of unfilled promises made by the company and national government at the onset of the operations of the company.
In conclusion, household food production is the most significant determinant for household food security, with regards to food availability, accessibility, utilization and stability of supply. Therefore, national government should carefully study and develop a framework that addresses food security of households impacted by the operations of the rapidly growing large-scale land investment companies and ensure a fair share of the local community in the economic development of the country and suggesting ways of improving access rights in the context of tenure.
Located in the Urubamba mountain range, the Chicón glacier is the third highest tropical glacier of this area and the source of water for the Chicón watershed. Moreover, from this watershed four communities obtain water for human consumption and agriculture, which is their main economic activity. In the last years glacier retreat is evident in the area and threatens the livelihoods of the people because it affects the availability of fresh water.
The general objective of this research is to analyse the perception of people living in this watershed to climate change, disaster risk, and ecosystem-based solutions. The specific objectives are to identify natural hazards and climate change effects in the community, to recognise potential ecosystem services suitable for Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) and Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR), and to assess to which climate change effects and disasters the communities are vulnerable based on their own perception. The methodological steps are based on literature review, expert interviews, questionnaires to the community, a workshop and field observations.
The results show that people perceive changes in the climate such as increase in temperature, less precipitation and shifts of the rainy and the dry season. The climate-related disasters that were identified are Glacier Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF), droughts, frosts and hailstorms. However, GLOFs are not frequent in the area and drought is the hazard that people consider will be more frequent. Additionally, pests were identified as biological hazards. Several ecosystems services can be obtained for EbA and Eco-DRR from forests, especially if native trees such as Qiwiña (Polylepis spp.), Chachacoma (Escallonia resinosa) and Aliso (Alnus jorullensis) are used in ecosystem management. Finally, the hypothesis was partially accepted since people in the study area are to some extent aware of climate change impacts, but only partially understand causes and effects. Further, they recognize most of the ecosystem services that forests provide. Therefore they are starting to implement ecosystem-based solutions in the watershed with the support of external institutions.
Intelligent use of energy is one of the keys to success for an energy revolution. To meet this challenge, smart meters are suitable tools because INTELLIGENT use of energy means not only to use efficiency technology, but also to determine load shifting potentials and use them accordingly. Especially farms with high power consumption are becoming increasingly concerned about reducing energy costs due to rising energy prices and need a systematic analysis of their operational energy flow. To find solutions for farms, the NaRoTec e.V., the TH Köln, and the Machinery Ring Höxter-Warburg have joined forces with partners and launched the project "Intelligent Energy in Agriculture", which is funded by the state of NRW. The aim of the project is to be able to give individual advice recommendations for energy optimization of agricultural holdings. This will be achieved inter alia through an operational energy audit and current measurements in different operating ranges. To achieve this, smart meters were installed in selected energy-intensive dairy and pig farms. As part of the project, the installed smart meter information about the consumption of various plants and their components were analyzed, regularities and adaptability in loading history identified, and the energy efficiency of the equipment and systems used verified (especially pumps, ventilators, feeding systems). Then recommendations were formulated to shift electricity-intensive processes to times with low electricity costs and high intrinsic power production. The resulting findings will be used as the basis for intelligent energy management in the further course of the project. Overall, efficiency streamlining measures in the field of ventilation and lighting systems, flexible dry feeding systems by decoupling power purchase and consumption, as well as energy savings and related CO2 savings were determined.
Intelligent use of energy is one of the keys to success for an energy revolution. To meet this challenge, smart meters are suitable tools because INTELLIGENT use of energy means not only to use efficiency technology, but also to determine load shifting potentials and use them accordingly. Especially farms with high power consumption are becoming increasingly concerned about reducing energy costs due to rising energy prices and need a systematic analysis of their operational energy flow. To find solutions for farms, the NaRoTec e.V., the TH Köln, and the Machinery Ring Höxter-Warburg have joined forces with partners and launched the project "Intelligent Energy in Agriculture", which is funded by the state of NRW in Germany. The aim of the project is to be able to give individual advice recommendations for energy optimization of agricultural holdings. This will be achieved inter alia through an operational energy audit and current measurements in different operating ranges. To achieve this, smart meters were installed in selected energy-intensive dairy and pig farms.
As part of the project, the installed smart meter information of one of the dairy Farms is used to optimize the energy consumption of the farm and increase the degree of self-sufficiency. A good way to achieve this is by taking a closer look at the cooling process of the produced milk since it is one of the most energy consuming processes on a dairy farm. In addition an installation of an ice cooling system instead of a direct cooling system enables the possibility to store self-produced energy in the form of ice and use it later on when it is needed to cool the milk. This flattens the usual energy peaks throughout the day and increases the degree of self-sufficiency. To ensure a sufficient amount of self-produced energy with solar power plants of various sizes were designed. The different sizes of the power plants are defined by the use of the gathered smart meter data is used to cover different electric loads in addition to the ice water cooling system. Afterwards the different simulated models are compared to find the best balance between energy production, investment cost and a high degree of self-sufficiency. First results show that using an ice cooling system in combination with a solar power plant improvement the degree of self-sufficiency by up to 7.8 %.
Die Dokumentation und Untersuchung von Massenbewegungen ist der entscheidende Schritt, um die Gefahr, die von ihnen ausgeht, zu identifizieren und im nächsten Schritt zu minimieren. Vor allem in Bergregionen kann dies im Extremfall Menschenleben retten.
Folglich untersucht diese Arbeit auf Grund bestehender Gefahr die räumliche Verteilung von Massenbewegungen in den drei iranischen Provinzen Alborz, Qazvin und Teheran.
In Anbetracht der immer weiter wachsenden Städte im erdbeben- und somit massenbewegungsgefährdeten Elbursgebirge wird mittels zweier quantitativer Analysen der isolierte Einfluss von straßen- und schienengebundener Verkehrsinfrastruktur auf Massenbewegungen (in den drei Provinzen) untersucht.
Beide Analysen vergleichen ausschließlich die lokale Häufung von Massenbewegungen mit dem vorhandenen Straßen- und Schienennetz: in der ersten Analyse durch das Vergleichen stattgefundener Massenbewegungen innerhalb von Teilgebieten des untersuchten Gebiets, in der zweiten Analyse werden die Häufungen in verschiedenen Abständen zu Straßen erfasst.
Anknüpfend an die zweite Analyse wird eine Bewertung der Häufigkeiten getätigt.
Es ergeben sich folgende wesentliche Erkenntnisse aus dieser Bachelorarbeit:
• Die Aussagekraft der Analysen kann höchstens so groß sein wie die Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit und Detailliertheit der zur Verfügung gestellten Datenbanken
• Die verhältnismäßig große Fläche des Untersuchungsgebietes stellt eine hohe Fehlerquelle dar (z.B. durch das große Datenvolumen)
• Eine Anfälligkeitsanalyse auf Grund eines isoliert betrachteten Auslösefaktors ist mit vielen Fehlern und Annahmen behaftet (z.B. muss zunächst einmal angenommen werden, dass Massenbewegungen nicht durch andere Faktoren ausgelöst werden)
• Eine erhöhte Anfälligkeit des Untersuchungsgebietes gegenüber Massenbewegungen innerhalb von 50 m Abstand zu Straßen konnte durch die in dieser Arbeit beschriebenen „Straßenpufferanalyse“ nachgewiesen werden.
Die Analysen sind mit dem Programm ArcGIS durchgeführt. Ihre detaillierte Beschreibung ermöglicht es dem Leser, die Analysen weiterzuführen oder mit anderen Parametern zu wiederholen. Weiterführende Analysen beispielsweise in Form einer Risikokarte verhelfen den Menschen, Sachgüter und die Umwelt z.B. durch nachhaltige Bebauungspläne zu schützen.
The utilization of roadside-green-cuttings (grass) for anaerobic digestion increases provides an additional possible source of organic waste for use as a renewable energy source. Grass can be used as a substrate to increase biogas yield. Nevertheless, the anaerobic digestion of this kind of waste can be limited due to the fact that it could be contaminated with heavy metals, in particular from traffic emissions and industrial activity. For this reason the biogas production of grass from a busy road was assessed. Samples of roadside-grass were washed with an organosulphide, which is used for the removal of heavy metals from wastewater.
A comparison of the anaerobic digestion of washed and unwashed roadside grass was performed. Results showed that the anaerobic digestion of the unwashed grass was much more effective than the washed grass. A second experiment was carried out and co-fermentation of manure and farm-grass was prepared for anaerobic digestion. Lead was added in the concentrations 500, 1000 and 2000 mg Pb2+/kg. The results showed that the higher the lead concentration, the lower the inhibition of the biogas yield. The grass could be acting as phytoremediator for high lead concentrations. The grass could contain organic compounds, which can as-similate heavy metals.
Anaerobic Digestion of spent grains: Potential use in small-scale Biogas Digesters in Jos, Nigeria
In order to ascertain biogas yield potential and applicability of spent grains (SG)1 in small-scale biogas production, laboratory batch fermentation was performed with various masses of dry and wet SG using sewage sludge (SS)2 and digested maize silage (DMs) 3 as inoculums. Different volumes of biogas and CH4 were measured with higher volumes observed for batch fermentation with DMs in com-parison to those produced by SS. Results from the study reveals minimum biogas yield of 118.10 L/kg
VS and maximum yields of 769.46 L/kg VS, which are indicative of the possible use of SG for domestic biogas production in Jos, Nigeria. The study established the fact that the use of both dry and wet SG results in the yield of a useful amount of biogas having 40 - 60 % CH4 content depending on the inoculum and amount of volatile solids present. Using the parameters of dry matter and volatile solids contents analysed for SG and DMs, it was estimated that a reactor volume of 6.47 m3 would be capable of meeting the daily cooking needs of rural households in Jos, Nigeria.
Der vorliegende Bericht ist ein ökonomischer Vergleich
verschiedener Varianten der Überschussschlamm
(ÜSS)-Verwertung der Sickerwasseranlage
auf der Deponie des Entsorgungszentrums Leppe
mit dem aktuellen Entsorgungsweg. Als Vergleichsparameter
werden die Jahresvollkosten herangezogen.
Der derzeitige Entsorgungsweg über die kommunale
Kläranlage wird hierbei als Basisvariante
betrachtet und mit alternativen Behandlungs- und
Verwertungsmöglichkeiten verglichen. Hierbei werden
verschiedene Varianten mit unterschiedlichen
Ausführungen der Komponenten Lagerung, Entwässerung,
Trocknung, Transport und Verbrennung
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde eine HPLC-Methode mit der dazugehörigen Probenvorbereitung entwickelt, welche es ermöglicht Essigsäure und Acrylsäure in komplexen Matrizes wie Deponiesickerwasser zu bestimmen. Hauptaugenmerk lag dabei auf der Matrixreduzierung, die bei 96 % lag. Die Wiederfindung der Analyten Essigsäure und Acrylsäure liegt bei der beschriebenen Methode bei ca. 100 %.
Biogas, mit geringen Konzentrationen an Methan, entsteht unter anderem bei verschiedenen industriellen Prozessen. Wegen der Umweltschädlichkeit des Methans gilt es dessen Eintrag in die Umwelt zu vermeiden.
Das Ziel des vorgestellten Projektes war die Überprüfung eines umweltfreundlichen Verfahrens zur Reduzierung des Methans durch methanotrophe Bakterien. Die einzelnen Batchversuche liefen über 15 Stunden und zeigten eine starke Reduzierung des Methans von 18 auf 1 Vol.-%.