Document Type
- Article (2)
- English (2)
Has Fulltext
- yes (2)
- Autarky (1)
- Battery Storage (1)
- Brennstoffzellenfahrzeug (1)
- Community Storage (1)
- District Storage (1)
- Electric Vehicle (1)
- Electric Vehicle Integration (1)
- Grid Load (1)
- Hybridfahrzeug (1)
- Individual Storage (1)
Maximising Distribution Grid Utilisation by Optimising E-Car Charging Using Smart Meter Gateway Data
The transition towards climate neutrality will result in an increase in electrical vehicles, as well as other electric loads, leading to higher loads on electrical distribution grids. This paper presents an optimisation algorithm that enables the integration of more loads into distribution grid infrastructure using information from smart meters and/or smart meter gateways. To achieve this, a mathematical programming formulation was developed and implemented. The algorithm determines the optimal charging schedule for all electric vehicles connected to the distribution grid, taking into account various criteria to avoid violating physical grid limitations and ensuring non-discriminatory charging of all electric vehicles on the grid while also optimising grid operation. Additionally, the expandability of the infrastructure and fail-safe operation are considered through the decentralisation of all components. Various scenarios are modelled and evaluated in a simulation environment. The results demonstrate that the developed optimisation algorithm allows for higher transformer loads compared to a P(U) control approach, without causing grid overload as observed in scenarios without optimisation or P(U) control.
The significant expansion of renewable energies has led to an increased importance of storage systems. Decentralized storage solutions, including Home Battery Energy Storage Systems (HBESSs) and District Battery Energy Storage Systems (DBESSs), play a crucial role in this context. This study compares individual HBESSs with a community-used DBESS regarding the grade of autarky and self-consumption, specifically focusing on a planned residential area consisting of 36 single-family houses. A simulation tool was developed to conduct load flow simulations based on household electricity consumption, wallbox profiles for electric vehicle charging, and photovoltaic generation data across various battery capacities and system boundaries. The results demonstrate that the DBESS, compared to individual HBESSs with equivalent cumulative battery capacities, can achieve a maximum increase in the grade of autarky of up to 11.6%, alongside an 8.0% increase in the grade of self-consumption for the given use case. In terms of capacity, the DBESS allows for a saving of up to 68% compared to HBESS to achieve similar results for the studied neighborhood.